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Healthy Brain Network
The Healthy Brain Network (HBN) intends to revolutionize child and adolescent psychiatry by providing the scientific community with a large-scale dataset of 10,000 participants through an open data-sharing model. The aggregated database will bring multimodal brain imaging, genetics, and biological samples together with a standardized deep phenotyping protocol that spans a broad range of clinically relevant psychiatric, behavioral, cognitive, and lifestyle information. Rather than the more common model of focusing on a single disorder, we will include a broad range of disorders to promote the identification of biomarkers capable of differentiating between them. This strategy will also allow scientists to evaluate and refine the boundaries between disorders from a biological perspective. The proposed sample will form the foundations on which future efforts can build longitudinal components to facilitate predictions of risk and outcome.
We do request that any usage of Healthy Brain Network Biobank data is recognized through appropriate citation of the Data Descriptor, which is available on Nature Scientific Data:
Alexander, L. et al. An open resource for transdiagnostic research in pediatric mental health and learning disorders. Scientific Data 4, 170181 (2017).
LORIS Account Creation and Data Access
- Download the DUA form
- Review all contents. If you need to suggest changes in the DUA, please contact us at CMIDataUsage[at]childmind[dot]org. Please note that redlined DUAs can take up to 6 weeks to be processed and approved
- Provide appropriate information regarding their name(s) and institution
- Have the document signed and notarized by the appropriate institutional representative
- Send the DUA form along with a copy of your CV to CMIDataUsage[at]childmind[dot]org
- Request a LORIS Account and email CMIDataUsage[at]childmind[dot]org to confirm that you have requested the account
- When your DUA form has been received and approved, you will receive an email providing you access to LORIS. Please note that account requests cannot be approved unless the DUA form is submitted
Useful HBN-Related Links
- Study Documentation
- 1000 Functional Connectomes Project Site
- HBN Patient-Facing Site
- Child Mind Institute Website